/ "Dennis Grace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Okay, so now, what exactly does this new version of onechunk do? It looks
| like it just passes everything off to chunk.xsl. What is the onechunk param
| supposed to do?

Sorry, you need to get the new chunk.xsl as well. The onechunk
parameter is really all that matters now. The chunk.xsl stylesheet
makes sure that if onechunk is set, only the root chunk gets written
to a separate file.

My attempt to use apply-imports from onechunk.xsl wasn't working
because ultimately it was calling the code in chunk.xsl even when what
I really wanted to do was call the code *imported* by chunk.xsl.
Hence, I moved the parameter logic up a level.

| Another thing that confuses me: I wasn't having this problem with 1.49. I
| had, admittedly, made a slight modification to the 1.49 onechunk.xsl file
| sheet. I had changed the include from chunk-common.xsl to chunk.xsl.  I
| notice that in the transition from 1.49 to 1.50.0, you changed the includes
| and imports from
|       <xsl:import href="autoidx.xsl"/>
|       <xsl:include href="chunk.xsl"/>
|       <xsl:include href="chunker.xsl"/>
| to
|       <xsl:import href="chunk.xsl"/>

Hmm. Yes, the old way avoids the nasty double-apply-imports problem.

| So, being a stubborn old ex-Navy tech, I fell back on old troubleshooting
| methods. I swapped back to the earlier version (1.5) of onechunk.xsl and
| replaced the import with the includes and imports as they were in version
| 1.1 (with the exception, as shown above, of including chunk.xsl vice
| chunk-common.xsl). That worked.
| Any idea why that worked? Why were the include and import statements
| changed?

Because chunker got percolated up the stack, it's now included by
docbook.xsl. And chunk.xsl now imports docbook.xsl. Overall, this
simplifies things for many other customization layers, I just blew it
and failed to regression test onechunk.xsl, I guess. Mea culpa.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | When you can measure what you are
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | speaking about, and express it in
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | numbers, you know something about
                                   | it; but when you cannot measure
                                   | it, when you cannot express it in
                                   | numbers, your knowledge is of a
                                   | meager and unsatisfactory kind: it
                                   | may be the beginning of knowledge,
                                   | but you have scarcely, in your
                                   | thoughts, advanced to the stage of
                                   | science.--William Thompson, Lord
                                   | Kelvin

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