At 09:17 28/05/2002 -0400, Jeff Beal wrote:
>I've gotten this message, too.  I found (using Emacs) what seemed to be the
>area of problem.  I don't remember the exact string, but it looked roughly
>like this:
>         a\200\202
>In my case, that character was supposed to be an ”, I believe, and I
>just chased it down and replaced it.  I was also using Saxon, and I'm
>beginning to wonder if I should have been using the Xerces parser.
>(Unfortunately, I'm not sure that Instant Saxon supports changing the

Good old emacs. Nicely hides mythical characters.
then Saxon finds them, accuses you of bad encodings and doesn't
(can't?) tell you where.

If Mike Kay can't locate them, I'd be surprised if Xerces can.
I often found its the last bit of text I inserted into the file,

In desperation I've often resorted to cutting out great swathes of text
to try and localise it in a big file.

Regards DaveP

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