David Cramer wrote:
> Thanks Jirka. Just to make sure I understand how to use this: Once I
> compile one class for each target language following the naming
> convention Compare_<replaceable>language code</replaceable> (Compare_ja,
> etc), I run saxon with the appropriate langague code?
> > java -Duser.language=<replaceable>language-code</replaceable>
> com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet...
> ...and it should use the Compare class for the user.language?

I never used user.language before, so I don't have idea for what is good
for. I used <xsl:sort ... lang="<replaceable>language
> In the case of Japanese, where there's no notion of upper/lowercase, I
> shouldn't have to edit the declarations for &uppercase; and &lowercase;,
> correct?

I think that you should, because each letter creates separate division
of index. As there are currently only English letters, Japanese index
terms will show all in symbol division.


  Jirka Kosek                        

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