On Ter, 2002-09-24 at 11:11, Mário Filipe wrote:
> Hi
> I've asked this before but I never got any anwser so here I am trying
> again.
> (...)
> My xml source has:
> <book status="draft" lang="pt">
>   <title>Um sistema "peer-to-peer" para monitorização de redes</title>
>   <bookinfo>
>     <author>
>       <firstname>Mário</firstname>
>       <surname>Filipe</surname>
>     </author>
>     <affiliation>
>       <orgname>Universidade Nova de Lisboa</orgname>
>       <orgdiv>Faculdade de Ciências Tecnologia</orgdiv>
>     </affiliation>
>   </bookinfo>
> When I transform this to pdf (both with Jade and OpenJade) all I get is
> the Title and my name. Does anyone have a clue on what I may be missing?

I've got a clue on this and i feel stupid. I placed orgname out of
affiliation and voilá...
        Mario Filipe 

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