I'll be happy to write up a faq for how to do this with Saxon once I
have everything in place and have tested it enough to be sure I've got
it right. 

First, I have a question for those who understand the inner workings of
gentext. In autoidx.xsl, to every template that has an xsl:sort, I've

        <xsl:variable name="sort.lang">
          <xsl:call-template name="l10n.language"/>

...and added this to the xsl:sorts:

      <xsl:sort lang="{$sort.lang}"...

In my test doc, which has <book lang="ja">, this seems to work. Is this
the 'right' way to do it? Should something like this be added to the
standard autoidx.xsl? Or would that be bad since it precludes the use of
java -Duser.language (since that's overridded by the xsl:sort's lang)?
Or is my brain frozen and can't remember how to make xsl:sort only have
a lang if one is defined?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dave Pawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 12:42 PM
> To: Togan Muftuoglu; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: DOCBOOK-APPS: Sorting and non-en_US indexes
> At 11:02 24/09/2002, Togan Muftuoglu wrote:
> >d) Why do I have to learn so many things just make a simple 
> thing ( for
> >hyphenation with Fop I had to create the configuration from 
> the TeX Turkish
> >hyphenation where TeX is was and will be Greek to me. In 
> order to write
> >a non working Compare_tr ( Although I had an example I had 
> to look Saxon documentation Java documentation to understand 
> what and why I am doing
> >it
> >
> >e) Most probably I am a masochist
> What's the word for someone who keeps on and on and on until
> he/she gets what is wanted :-) I'm sure its not masochist!
> Knowing that this is *way* over my head,
>   gentle request please.
> If anyone gets satisfaction from helping others, would they
> do a writeup for the faq please?
> TIA, DaveP

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