
There seems to be a discrepancy around the proper way to encode country
coudes and their expected processing in XML Docbook and the XSL
stylesheets. This matter already surfaced an year ago, but I got into
trouble nevertheless, so I thought to bring this discussion up again.
Please help me deal with it.

1) Docbook XML DTD does not declares the xml:lang attribute, so we must use
lang. I wonder why. (It is not a namespace issue, since none is involved.)

2) lang should use ISO 3166 codes, that mandate the form "pt-BR", instead
of "pt_BR" or "pt_br". Norm confirmed that in

3) The XSL stylesheets process my <article lang="pt-BR"> using the
common/pt.xml file, which is not correct. "pt_BR" doesn't work either, only
the value "pt_br" makes it behave correctly. Looks like the atribute value
must match the filename exactly.

4) The language specification does not fuind its way into the HTML
generated code.  I thought it would be very nice if it did, so I tried to
override some templates that generate it, but I would have to translate the
wrong "pt_br" to the correct "pt-BR" to use it. Not very nice, since it
should be correct already.

... any suggestions?

Marcelo Jaccoud Amaral
Petrobrás (http://www.petrobras.com.br)
voice: +55 21 2534-3485
fax: +55 21 2534-1809
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