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Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think I'm willing to live without else. If I want else, I think the
> right answer is a special-purpose XML vocabulary:
>   <chapter>
>     <prof:choose>
>       <prof:when condition=3D"html">
>         <title>HTML Title</title>
>       </prof:when>
>       <prof:when condition=3D"print">
>         <title>Print Title</title>
>       </prof:when>
>       <prof:otherwise>
>         <title>Print and HTML Title</title>
>       </prof:otherwise>
>     </prof:choose>
>     ....
> Where the profiling application always removes all prof: elements.

Now tell me how this differs, other than in surface syntax, from what I've
already done?

Yes, I could have dressed up my conditionals this way.  Still could with=20
some trivial changes to my flex program.  I thought it would be more
honest to make them PIs.
                <a href=3D"http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr/";>Eric S. Raymond</a>

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