Ian Castle wrote:
There is an extra patch somewhere to cope with that.

The rule is to start renumbering when you get to the "main thing".
However, you've got more than "main thing"....

..I had a patch for that floating around somewhere.. but it isn't too
hard to fix.. What is hard is coming up with a nice general rule -
because there isn't really anything that says "this is where we want to
set numbers back to 1"... It could be the first chapter, or the first
preface or the first foreword ....
So why not adding a new parameter, say %restart-page-numbering-at%, holding the element for which first occurence in document would trigger renumbering. As a fallback (element absent from doc) start numbering from 1 on titlepage.

Also, what if someone wants same numbering for whole doc?

.. Actually, I suppose it could be done.. but it was too hard to fit
into the existing structure.

On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 14:54, Camille Bégnis wrote:


I have noticed the print dsssl backend (1.77) numbers first pages i, ii, ... (starting from book titlepage) and then restart i, ii, ... on preface. Is this intended?


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