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I should have posted this last week...


   The 1.58.1 release adds some initial support for extensions in
   xsltproc, adds a few features, and fixes bugs.

     o This release contains the first attempt at extension support for
       xsltproc. The only extension available to date is the one that adjusts
       table column widths. Run extensions/xsltproc/python/xslt.py.

     o Fixed bugs in calculation of adjusted column widths to correct for
       rounding errors.

     o Support nested refsection elements correctly.

     o Reworked gentext.template to take context into consideration. The name
       of elements in localization files is now an xpath-like context list,
       not just a simple name.

     o Made some improvements to bibliography formatting.

     o Improved graphical formatting of admonitions.

     o Added support for entrytbl.

     o Support spanning index terms.

     o Support bibliosource.

Changes since version 1.57.0 (2002-10-22)

Changes to xsl/*

  | 2002-11-29  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * Makefile: Exclude the debian directory from the distribution
  |       archive
  |     * VERSION: Version 1.58.1 released.
  | 2002-11-17  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * .cvsignore: Ignore the debian directory
  |     * Makefile: Don't include pyc files in distribution
  |     * README: Copyright this year too, huh?
  |     * RELEASE-NOTES.xml: Release notes
  |     * VERSION: Version 1.58.0 released.

Changes to xsl/common/*

  | 2002-11-23  Robert Stayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * common.xsl: Fixed bug in orderedlist-starting-number test
  |       when @continuation not set.
  | 2002-11-14  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * common.xsl: Handle nested refsections in section.level
  |     * gentext.xsl: Pass full xpath name to gentext.template
  |       instead of just the local-name
  |     * l10n.xsl: Make gentext.template search through /-separated
  |       names

Changes to xsl/extensions/*

  | 2002-11-17  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * build.xml: New file.

Changes to xsl/fo/*

  | 2002-11-29  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * pagesetup.xsl: Don't output a footnote-separator for FOP
  | 2002-11-16  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * biblio.xsl: Support abstract in bibliomixed
  |     * biblio.xsl, xref.xsl: Support bibliosource; improve numbered
  |       bibliography entries and cross-references to them
  |     * pagesetup.xsl: Added template to create footnote separator
  |       rule (if supported by your favorite FO processor)
  |     * sections.xsl: Use value-of instead of copy-of for fo:marker
  |       because I haven't thought of a better way to avoid footnotes
  |       in markers which are illegal
  | 2002-11-15  Robert Stayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * admon.xsl: Changed graphical.admonition template from an
  |       fo:table to an fo:list-block, so it works in both FOP and
  |       XEP.
  |     * lists.xsl: Fixed two bugs in longest.term template that
  |       prevented proper calculation of longest term width in
  |       variablelist.
  | 2002-11-15  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * table.xsl: Add support for xsltproc adjustColumnWidths
  |       extension
  | 2002-11-14  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * biblio.xsl: Use xreflabel (if it's present) on bibliography
  |       entries
  |     * component.xsl: Don't restart page numbers on the first
  |       preface
  |     * table.xsl: Support entrytbl
  | 2002-11-08  Robert Stayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * pagesetup.xsl: Corrected left and right page margins for
  |       even page masters: inner and outer were reversed from what
  |       they should have been.
  | 2002-10-31  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * autoidx.xsl: Support spanning index terms
  |       (endofrange/startref)
  |     * lists.xsl: Put para spacing around tabular simplelists

Changes to xsl/html/*

  | 2002-11-29  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * lists.xsl: Make opencircle=circle in itemizedlist marks
  | 2002-11-25  Robert Stayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * sections.xsl: Made subtitles in sections scale to proper
  |       heading level.
  | 2002-11-16  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * admon.xsl: Align titles on graphical admonitions
  |     * biblio.xsl, xref.xsl: Support bibliosource; improve numbered
  |       bibliography entries and cross-references to them
  | 2002-11-15  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * table.xsl: Insignificant tweak
  | 2002-11-14  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * biblio.xsl: Use xreflabel (if it's present) on bibliography
  |       entries
  |     * component.xsl: Article appendix titles should be top-level
  |       titles
  |     * refentry.xsl: Handle nested refsections
  |     * table.xsl: Support entrytbl
  |     * xref.xsl: Whitespace
  | 2002-11-01  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * inline.xsl: Output anchors for author/editor/othercredit
  |       names
  |     * lists.xsl: Output anchors for simplelist members
  | 2002-10-31  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * autoidx.xsl: Support spanning index terms
  |       (endofrange/startref)

Changes to xsl/xhtml/*

  | 2002-11-14  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * html2xhtml.xsl: Make UTF-8 the default for XHTML

Changes to xsl/params/*

  | 2002-10-31  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * table.frame.border.thickness.xml, toc.margin.properties.xml,
  |       verbatim.properties.xml, xref.properties.xml: Documentation
  |       updates

Changes to xsl/javahelp/*

  | 2002-11-25  Jirka Kosek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * javahelp.xsl: Fixed mode name collision problem.

Changes to xsl/extensions/xsltproc/python/*

  | 2002-11-15  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * .cvsignore: Ignore .pyc files
  |     * docbook.py: Handle FO result trees
  |     * docbook.py: New file.
  |     * xslt.py: Updated driver to use docbook.py
  | 2002-11-14  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * xslt.py: Still experimenting

Changes to xsl/extensions/xalan2/.classes/*

  | 2002-11-17  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * Makefile.common: Update classpaths

Changes to xsl/extensions/saxon643/com/nwalsh/saxon/*

  | 2002-11-15  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * ColumnScanEmitter.java: Make sure the width[] array returned
  |       is always exactly the right length
  |     * Table.java: Correct rounding errors in column percentage
  |       width calculation

Changes to xsl/extensions/xalan2/com/nwalsh/xalan/*

  | 2002-11-15  Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  |     * Table.java: Correct rounding errors in column percentage
  |       width calculation

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | We discover in ourselves what
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | others hide from us, and we
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | recognize in others what we hide
                                   | from ourselves.--Vauvenargues
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