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/ Stephan Wiesner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Of special interest is: how do you handle stuff that reappears like
| biblioentries, glossary, quotes, about the author. How do you keep it up
| to date if it is included/refrenced in different documents.

I have a central bibliography and I use the bibliography.collection
parameter to reference it. If I did a lot of things with glossaries,
I'd do the same with glossary.collection.

For about the author stuff, I tend to leave that with the documents.
Each time a document is updated, I update that stuff. Centralizing it
would be possible, but hasn't seemed necessary or worthwhile.

One thing that I like about keeping stuff like that distributed is
that I can come back and rebuild a document two years later and get
the same text. Just because I work for Sun now doesn't mean that I
want it to appear that Sun was involved in a presentation I wrote
years ago when I worked for Arbortext.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Don't use the impudence of a
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | beggar as an excuse for not
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | helping him.--Rabbi Shmelke of
                                   | Nicolsburg
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