Hi Tom,

On Thu, Dec 19, 2002 at 12:11:48AM +0100, Tom Peters wrote:
> - what tools do I need in what order?

You have several frontend tools available (mostly docbook-utils and
sgml2x), which should pull in all the necessary tools.  Use one of the
interactive package-selection tools (aptitude, dselect, synaptic ...),
or "apt-cache show" to check for optional packages.

When using DSSSL stylesheets, you will have a choice for the
processor: you should prefer "openjade1.3" to "jade" and "openjade"

"apt-cache search docbook" will list all docbook-related packages.

> - what envars should I set and what should they contain?

Normally you don't have to mess with them, the packages are built so
that tools work out of the box.

> - what are the stylesheets and how do I get the tools to find them?
>       Thanx,

docbook-dsssl and docbook-xsl are the standard alternatives.  There is
an hopefully nice customisation of (print version of) docbook-dsssl in
the alcovebook-sgml package, which is taken as the prefered one if you
install alcovebook-sgml and sgml2x, and process your document with
eg. "docbook-2-pdf mydoc.xml".

Yann Dirson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.alcove.com/
Technical support manager                Responsable de l'assistance technique
Senior Free-Software Consultant          Consultant senior en Logiciels Libres
Debian developer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                        Développeur Debian

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