Dave Pawson wrote:
At 11:55 20/01/2003 -0800, Carlos Araya wrote:
I'd agree about the extent of CSS usage, although I'd favour
an approach where a minimal style sheet was available, we know the hooks
are there for deep CSS styling, and the remainder of the styling is done by
the docbook user. That way we can all use as much (or as little) as is needed for our individual cases.
I agree with this policy, Dave.

The key, I think, is to avoid a situation where the user design for your "deep CSS" is frustrated or complexified by rules automatically generated by the XSL and placed further down the cascade such that they override the design. I suppose this problem could be overcome with a customization, but add labour (to correct cosmetics) when it can be avoided to a large extend by doing nothing in the first place?


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