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/ David Tolpin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
|> / Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
|> | Why is it a great problem? The result should be 90% of the paragraph
|> | size in the first case and 90% of the title size in the second.
|> And on further inspection, it just looks awful. Setting the font size
|> on the basis of "em"s is just wrong. It really should be based on
|> relative "ex" heights and those aren't available. I think I'll abandon
|> the crude attempt to make monospaced fonts look a little more
|> aesthetically sized.
| font-size-adjust is just for this purpose, by the way. Assigning it a known
| value will make symbols from different fonts look similar in size.

Interesting. I'll have to play with that. It's probably the right
answer, but it looks like one needs to know the aspect values of the
actual fonts used, so it may be more appropriate for a customization
layer where specific fonts are chosen.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | [They] say the Earth is flat, but
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | I know that it is round, for I
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | have seen the shadow on the moon,
                                   | and I have more faith in a shadow
                                   | than in [them].--Ferdinand Magellan
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