I think there is quite a bit of information around about accessibility and the xsl stylesheets. I don't know that it is collected and documented in one place. Since accessibility is a major interest of mine, I'd be happy to work with folks in pulling something together, for the FAQ perhaps? I'd need a bit of coaching about the best way to get started and also about any wheels that don't need to be re-invented.

To start the ball rolling, some topics might be:
* how do you get valid html output for which versions of html?
* customizing the head and foot sections for clean, linear screen reader layout
* best combinations of parameter values to maximize clean output
* generating ALT text and longdesc (I've seen traffic about this for sure)
* titles and graphics
* tab sequences and navigation, how to
* customizing menu links for keyboard access

It's not so clear to me how you get accessible PDF output in spite of advertised capabilities in the latest Acrobat s/w.

Comments? Suggestions?


Billard, Trish wrote:
Hi there,

 I'm planning on using the 1.59.2 DocBook xsl stylesheets to create HTML, PDF, and HTML help renditions. (Thank you, Norm!!)  I'll need to ensure that they meet certain standards for accessibility:
*	W3C recommendation: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 (<http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT-19990505>).
*	Section 508 (http://www.section508.gov <http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/WAI-WEBCONTENT-19990505>).

Is there any documentation out there about how these transformations meet or don't meet these requirements?  I'll need to create configurations or customizations to ensure the requriements are met.

Thank you,

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