
I have a document that is getting larger and larger.

Can someone please tell what's the state of the art concerning breaking a document into smaller physical chunks?

a) using entities as described in "The Definite Guide":

<!ENTITY chap1 SYSTEM "chap1.sgm">
<!ENTITY chap2 SYSTEM "chap2.sgm">
<book><title>My First Book</title>

b) using XIncludes?

I don't need a fancy mechanism for cross referencing between my documents. I'm writing one, large document.

I'm using Emacs with psgml. Using method a) does not allow me to associate any DTD to my chunk, so psgml is worthless, right?

But Xincludes seem to much more very complicated to me, especially concerning the referencing mechasnism. Do I *have to* use olinks?


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