Jirka Kosek wrote:
ed nixon wrote:
If you really think that you need more then one custom profiling
attribute, then submit RFE. It would be easy to add parameters like
profile.attribute1 and profile.value1.
Thanks, Jirka. I can live with what there is now. Besides, I get a little twitchy when I see things like something1 and then something2 and then...

I'm trying to think how a more general solution would look to the user. For example,
<xsl:param name="profile.attribute" attname="audiencelevel">manager</xsl:param> or
<xsl:param name="profile.attribute" attname="os">unix</xsl:param> etc.

But that's without thinking at all about what has to go on under the hood or whether it's a good idea in terms of consistency of style with the rest of the suite.

Thanks again. ...edN

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