Jens Skripczynski wrote:

> The docbook lists the <beginpage /> option, but it seems, that
> the xsl stylesheet does not know about this. (I have a red
> <beginpage></beginpage> in the pdf output file).

Beginpage is here for legacy purposes -- e.g. you want to mark where
page break was in printed version of document. But processing tools are
not suppoused to create pagebreaks in places where <beginpage/> occur.

You can put some PI in place where you want pagebreak:


and add something like 

<xsl:template match="processing-instruction('page-break')">
  <fo:blok break-after="page"/>

Maybe we can reconsider adding support of common PIs for page and line
breaks into standard XSL stylesheets. Generally it is not good idea to
specify breaks manually, but sometimes it's reasonable solution.
> P.S.: I think it would be good to add to the index section on
>       "";,
>       that a simple <index /> tells processor where to put the
>       index. I searched for this hint some time.
>       thx to Jirka.

This is true for XSL stylesheets, but other processing tools may behave
differently. TDG describes DocBook as general document type. Details of
processing should be specified in documentation of particular processing


  Jirka Kosek                        

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