Akagi Kobayashi wrote:

> I'm told that I should be able to use the primary tag and sortas attribute,
> in combination with glossterm. What do you think?

primary element is used for creating back-of-the-book index, not for

> If an entry should be sorted in a different way than it is displayed, then
> we can use the sortas attribute. During index grouping and sorting, the text
> of the entry is ignored and the sortas attribute is then used instead. This
> can be useful in situations when an index entry contains special symbols
> that should sort differently; for example, based on their phonetic
> representation. The following example creates an index entry that will
> result in the Kanji 大和 displayed in the index, but this letter will 
> be put
> in the place of word "やまと"
> <indexterm>
> <primary sortas="やまと">大和</primary>
> </indexterm>

It seems that your Japanese characters haven't survived email transfer.

> At the moment the ja.xml's <l:letters lang= is set to "en".  Should this be
> set to ja, as well as assigning the various Japanese syllabary characters?

Yes. But please note that this table is used by "Kosek" indexing method.
This method is suitable for sorting and grouping for latin based
languages, when the sort order is defined by order of characters.

My knowledge of CJKV languages is very limited. My understanding is that
in Kanji sort order is based on radical, and "Kosek" indexing method
doesn't support this. I do not know enough about sorting of Hiragana and
Katakana written text, so I can't confirm that it is possible to create
l:letters for those scripts.

For Japanese you can be more successful using "Kimber" indexing method.
It is little but complicated to setup, but has much better support for
CJKV languages.

For more information about setup see:


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://xmlguru.cz
       Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO/JTC1/SC34 member
 Want to speak at XML Prague 2007 => http://xmlprague.cz/cfp.html

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