I think that the various perspectives have been adequately presented and
each user must decide for themselves what is the appropriate tool to use.

-----Original Message-----
From: jochen+oasis-o...@hayek.name [mailto:jochen+oasis-o...@hayek.name]
Sent: Sunday, July 18, 2010 11:51 AM
To: docbook-apps@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [docbook-apps] Re: blogging using DocBook articles or so ...

>>>>> Robert Lucente writes:

>> And IMHO DocBook output *is* nice.

> Ooops. Did not mean to imply otherwise.

>> O'Reilly books (all/some/a few?!?) are written in DocBook

> Yes, I am aware. Please note that O'Reilly focuses on the tech market.

That's O'Reilly, not necessarily you and me.


What makes DocBook unsuited for others than the tech market?

Is is it the same with LaTex?

Because you can write math. formulas with it,
you can't write prose with it?

Alright… people writing prose might not want to get bothered with something
as profane as XML tags resp. LaTeX markup?

I used to use troff Memorandum Macros,
and not just for the job.

Do you think the addressees bothered, whether my letters were written in
that incredible markup language?

>> Maybe blogging & sharing would get far more often done,
>> if the means were easier.

> Please name the one specific thing that you would like to be easier.

I hate to edit text outside the emacs universe.
I hate it to edit text in a web browser.
I hate it to not be able to use Control-S to save my text every couple of
seconds, w/o even being really aware, that I have done it again.

Too much hatred, I know.
Again: this is not a flame.

I am just not a WYSIWYG guy.
Yes, occasionally I like using formatted e-mail in Google Mail,
yes, it is a serious temptation.
Yes, I am Google Buzzing a lot.
But there again: I use old-fashioned markup there, too.

I prefer focussing on content, and *marking* *up* my text, yes with some
kind of eagerness for perfection.
"Your mileage may vary", they say.

With your preferred editor – do you actually type the end tag or does your
editor achieve that for you?
My editor does it for me, so I don't bother.
I think end tags do help.
But than I am also one of the guys out there (with Ada being my 5th
programming language or so),
who loves "end if", "end case", and that sort of stuff,
and with perl and ruby and whatever I add it myself as a comment.

>> glues separate documents together

> I am confused. If we are talking about a simple blogg, why are we talking
> about glueing documents together ?

To keep things simple,
one approach may be to regard every blog article a document of its own.
But if the blog is sort of "DocBook Blog",
then what keeps the articles together?

I assume you are familiar with blog subscription features, like adding the
blog's RSS resp. atom feed to your preferred feed reader.

What creates the RSS resp. atom feed in the case of "DocBook Blog"?

Well in the case of "DocBook Website" there is a "meta-document" called
"layout.xml", which is not really DocBookish but (at least) XML with a
defined DTD/schema.

Maybe there will be sort of "layout.xml" for "DocBook Blog" as well.

I am sorry, you must be bored by this, as I keep reusing my own words.

> Please note that I am a newbie
> and trying to figure out where the various tool sets fit in.
> So, if I am making silly comments or asking silly questions,
> request your patience.

If I am not patient enough: pls forgive me!
And see: I am still here :-)

Maybe "DocBook Blog" is serious enough for a student's thesis an whatever
No idea.
Just suggesting…

Another approach may well be
to regard the entire blog as a book,
with the articles being sections of level 1.

But then: as the blog grows article by article the generation process for
the whole will more and more degrade.
And I just thought, that's not a good idea.
And why start there, if we know that from the very beginning.

> Just my $0.05.


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