Hi, Mauritz,

it's very nice of you, that you are returning to my case!!

>>>>> Mauritz Jeanson <m...@johanneberg.com> writes:

|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Jochen Hayek 
|  My new problems now look like this (namespacing...):
|      xsltproc \
|                  html/docbook.xsl \
|                  slides.xml

html/docbook.xsl :

    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform";

      <!-- <xsl:import 


      <xsl:param       name="keyboard.nav" select="1"/>

      <!-- <xsl:param  name="active.toc"   select="1"/> -->
      <xsl:param       name="dynamic.toc"  select="1"></xsl:param>

      <xsl:param       name="mulitframe"   select="1"></xsl:param>

      <xsl:param name="toc.width" select="500"></xsl:param>


> Here it looks like you are trying to process a DocBook Slides document with
> the regular HTML stylesheet...

|      Writing frames.html for slides
|      Writing toc.html for slides
|      Element author in namespace '' encountered in 
|  authorgroup, but no template matches.
|      Element firstname in namespace '' encountered in author, 
|  but no template matches.
|      Element surname in namespace '' encountered in author, 
|  but no template matches.

> ...but judging by these messages you are in fact processing a slides
> document with the namespaced version of a slides stylesheet. And that
> doesn't work, because there is no such thing as a namespaced slides
> stylesheet! 

I don't want to be offensive,
but "what the heck" is 
/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh5/1.75.1/slides/html/frames.xsl ?

Something "incomplete"?

> In the xsl-ns package, the README says:

> ----------
> Note, the stylesheets in the directories listed below 
> have not yet been converted to use the DocBook
> namespace:

>   slides
>   website
>   roundtrip

I certainly trust your word,
but ... ???

> ----------

> Since no slides schema based on DocBook 5 has been officially released yet,
> there is currently no need for namespaced stylesheets. Perhaps it would be
> better if the slides, website, and roundtrip stylesheets were not included
> at all in the xsl-ns package as long as they are not namespace-aware.

Well, but what was our earlier discussion about than,
and 1.75.x seems to be namespace-aware now
(as I read your lines above as a confirmation of that -- am I confusing things 

|  well, the single quote character problem is still alive and 
|  kicking with 1.75.1, which I tried right now.

> That is strange. If you do a diff between frames.xsl in Slides 3.4.0 and
> frames.xsl in DocBook-XSL 1.75.1 (or 1.75.2), you can see for yourself that
> the single quote escaping of titles is fixed (by calling the string.subst
> template) in the latter file.

Well, somehow it sounds, as if should stay with 3.4.0,

but then the "quote in title" issue is not fixed in 3.4.0, right?!?

Kind regards,

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