        I didn't realise I was on the legacy platform :-)

FWIW, I have used fink to install them, and fink says:
i docbook-dsssl-n 1.79-4 Norman Walsh's DSSSL DocBook stylesheets i docbook-dtd 4.5.0-1 DocBook SGML/XML DTDs official releases (i) docbook-utils 0.6.14-1008 Utilities for manipulating SGML and XML i docbook-xsl 1.74.3-1 Norman Walsh's XSL DocBook stylesheets

So I have the XSL's installed - but I also have the DSSSL's, so perhaps I'm referring to the wrong ones?

The top of my file says:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE book SYSTEM "/sw/share/xml/dtd/docbookx/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" [
<!ENTITY biblio SYSTEM "biblio.docbook">
<!ENTITY gloss SYSTEM "glossary.docbook">

BTW, the links on this page:
result in 404 errors. Is there a better place to go to find out how to install the latest and greatest docbook on Mac OS X?


On 27/10/2010, at 7:05 AM, Mauritz Jeanson wrote:

|  -----Original Message-----
|  From: Nathan Bailey
|  docbook2html -u myfile.docbook generates an HTML file that
|  includes my
|  pictures.
|  docbook2pdf -u myfile.docbook generates a PDF with only the text
|  alternates/captions/etc.
|  I have tried a variety of ways of specifying the picture,
|  drawing on
|  similar reports on this list archive to no avail. I've
|  looked at Nik
|  Clayton's Makefiles but am not currently using them. I suspect the
|  stylesheets reflect his suggested changes now?

The last release of the DocBook DSSSL stylesheets was in 2004. The
stylesheets are still available for download, but they are no longer
actively maintained. Very few people ask about them these days. It may not be the answer you were hoping for, but I would recommend you to consider
switching to the XSL stylesheets.


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