Cramer, David W (David) wrote:

> so, who is willing to mentor. I'm thinking I should remove any ideas
> on that page for which we will not have anybody willing to mentor to
> avoid having a student work on a proposal which we wouldn't be able
> to accept. If students are looking at the page already, then we can
> expect to have more and better applications this year, but we cannot
> accept any for which we don't have a committed mentor.

I would like to attend as student and continue coding on XSLT 2.0
stylesheets work from previous year.

Because of that I can't be officially mentor, but I can do actual
mentoring if there will be some "official" mentor.

> Also, let me know if there are problems with any of the ideas I
> posted (aside from needing mentors). For example, for "implementing
> the transclusion" proposal, 1) it's only a draft proposal, and 2) I
> know Jirka has a prototype implementation of the proposal, so between
> those two things I don't know if it's a viable project. 

I don't think it is feasible. I expect that if DocBook transclusions are
accepted it will be in much simplified form from the actual proposal.

Thanks for taking care about GSoC,


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail:
       Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member

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