Jirka Kosek <ji...@kosek.cz> writes:
> It would be interisting to take this further and try to call it using
> Jython directly from Saxon ;-)

I've almost got that working :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com>      | We are at the very beginning of
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | time for the human race. It is not
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | unreasonable that we grapple with
                                   | problems. But there are tens of
                                   | thousands of years in the future.
                                   | Our responsibility is to do what
                                   | we can, learn what we can, improve
                                   | the solutions, and pass them
                                   | on.--Richard Feynman

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