
I found the parameter "keep.relative.image.uris" which reduces my
complexity. This way I have to copy the images only to one location
relatively to the build.xml. I would be still nicer if I could configure the
FOP task to use a  path relative to the .fo file but I assume this is not
really a question for the docbook mailing list.

Thanks to everyone.

Best regards, Lars

2011/10/1 Lars Vogel <lars.vo...@googlemail.com>

> Hi Tom,
> I would prefer if the path could just be relative to the .fo file.
> Introducing a xml catalog and a new re-write rule seems unnecessary
> complex.
> I could fix it within my ant tasks copying the images into the build
> project but this doesn't not seem like a solid solution to me.
> Best regards, Lars
> 2011/10/1 Tom Browder <tom.brow...@gmail.com>
>> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 05:33, Lars Vogel <lars.vo...@googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>> ...
>> > If I put the graphics relativ to the build.xml (which I keep separated
>> from
>> > the content) everything works.
>> > The Ant File I'm currently using is:
>> > ---------------
>> > <target name="build-pdf" depends="clean, copybookimage,  xinclude"
>> > description="Generates pdf files from DocBook XML">
>> > <!-- Convert DocBook Files into FO -->
>> > <xslt style="${fo.stylesheet}" extension=".fo"
>> basedir="${outputtmp.dir}"
>> > destdir="${fobtmp.dir}">
>> > <include name="**/*/article.xml" />
>> > <param name="section.autolabel" expression="1" />
>> > <param name="page.margin.inner" expression="1cm" />
>> > <param name="page.margin.outer" expression="1cm" />
>> > <param name="body.start.indent" expression="0mm" />
>> > <param name="double-sided" expression="1" />
>> > <param name="paper.type" expression="A4" />
>> > </xslt>
>> > <!-- Convert FO Files into pdf -->
>> > <fop format="application/pdf" outdir="${pdf.dir}">
>> > <fileset dir="${fobtmp.dir}">
>> > <include name="**/*.fo" />
>> > </fileset>
>> > </fop>
>> > </target>
>> > --------------
>> >
>> > Is there a way to tell the fop Ant Task to use a path relativ to the .fo
>> > file is processes?
>> > Best regards, Lars
>> Have you tried xml catalog with the prefix rewrite rule to generate
>> fo?  That has solved a lot of path problems for me.  Of course I'm
>> using xsltproc with which that is easy--don't know if an ant and
>> whatever tool chain will work.
>> Best,
>> -Tom
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