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Hi Gihan,
I didn't add that entry to the ideas page, but of them, the most
interesting to me is creating content for Android. In particular, I
enjoy reading books in the .apk format [1] on my Nexus S over .epub. I
suspect .apk and .epub are similar formats and .epub xsls already
exist so they could be modified to produce .apk. I don't know if .apk
as an output format is enough to keep you busy for a whole summer. If
not, you could throw in some other work. I know O'Reilly books are
often available in epub and apk formats.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APK_%28file_format%29

On 03/19/2012 04:11 PM, Richard Hamilton wrote:
> Gihan,
> Thanks for your interest in the DocBook project and the Google
> Summer of Code.
> It seems like you have made a good start. I suggest looking at
> DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide, by Bob Stayton, for the best
> single reference to the stylesheets. You can find an online version
> at http://sagehill.net.
> Currently, ant is not required to build or use the stylesheets.
> Regarding your question about the idea page, I will leave that for
> other's on this list to address. I suspect the person who wrote
> that particular idea is on the list.
> Best Regards, Dick Hamilton ------- XML Press XML for Technical
> Communicators http://xmlpress.net hamil...@xmlpress.net
> On Mar 19, 2012, at 2:01 PM, gihan karunarathne wrote:
>> Hi devs :
>> I've gone through the idea page of DocBook and found the project
>> idea "Extend supported output formats [1]" very interesting to me
>> mainly because I have good background knowledge about Ant and
>> Android. I'm doing an Android application as my level-3 software
>> project and also I'm a fan of smart phones, specially about
>> Android.
>> After I started poking around DocBook, I understood that XSLT
>> language processor[2] get an XML source document, and an XSLT
>> stylesheet( typically the DocBook xsl sheets [3] ) and produces
>> an output document according to the rules are provided in XSLT
>> style sheet. If I misunderstood the procedure, please correct me
>> ?.
>> I installed "XSLTProc"[4] and download the DocBook xsl style
>> sheets from sourceforge repository [5]. Then using DocBook ubuntu
>> documentation [6], I create a test.html file by using test.xml
>> file. It was successfully built. I used a command similar to
>> this "xsltproc -o test.html
>> /usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/docbook.xsl
>> test.xml" According to my understanding, I used a external xslt
>> processor to transform test.xml file to test.html according to
>> the DocBook html style sheet.
>> As I understood, the main goal of the project is generating an
>> another type of formats file (ex:Android,iPad) by a
>> XSLTProcessor. So, in order to do that we want xsl style sheet
>> which includes instructions and other directives that guide the
>> processor in the production of the output document, right? If so,
>> I think it's better if I looked at how the current DocBook xsl
>> style sheets can be use to implement those output formats. 
>> Further, I'd very much appreciate if you can provide me some
>> directives and guide me. Specially, I'm looking for
>> documentation/articles explaining how Ant and xsl is currently
>> used in the system. Please tell me if I missed something
>> important !.
>> I also need to clarify the idea which is in the idea page[1]; 
>> “Output format packages” output by the DocBook style sheets would
>> be easily consumable / installable by hosting applications. What
>> does it mean by "easily consumable / installable" ?. Can you
>> explain further ?. As I familiar with these output formats like
>> HTML, PDF and plain_text are information based resources. But
>> Android supported for the .apk format that the format of
>> applications running on Android OS. So, what are the output
>> formats which are going to produce by "Android-xsl" sheets and
>> for others in the list ?
>> Further, I welcome any advices that you'd like to give for a
>> beginner DocBook developer interested in contributing.
>> Thank you in Advance !.
>> [1].
>> http://docbook.xmlpress.net/tiki-index.php?page=Ideas2012#Extend_supported_output_formats
[2]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XSL_Transformations
>> [3]. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DocBook_XSL [4].
>> http://xmlsoft.org/xslt/xsltproc2.html [5].
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/files/docbook-xsl/ [6].
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DocBook
>> -- Regards Gihan Chanuka Karunarathne Department of Computer
>> Science and Engineering University of Moratuwa Sri Lanka
>> Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/gihanchanuka LinkedIn:
>> http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/gihan-karunarathne/25/ba3/993
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