
I've tried both of the examples below to generate a callout programlisting in 
my ebook. 

The first version uses areaspec following the example on TDG 
(http://docbook.org/tdg51/en/html/programlistingco.html) and is located at 
This version doesn't display the callout bugs on the programlisting. 

The second version I tried is a modification of the co tag from TDG 
(http://docbook.org/tdg51/en/html/co.html) and is located at 
This version displays the callout bugs but fails epub validation with the 
following error

     [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub/OEBPS/ch02.xhtml(10,138): 
'OEBPS/images/callouts/5.png': referenced resource exists, but not declared in 
the OPF file
     [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub/OEBPS/ch02.xhtml(12,84): 
'OEBPS/images/callouts/6.png': referenced resource exists, but not declared in 
the OPF file
     [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub/OEBPS/ch02.xhtml(26,156): 
'xml.declaration': fragment identifier is not defined in 'OEBPS/ch02.xhtml'
     [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub/OEBPS/ch02.xhtml(26,482): 'docbook.root': 
fragment identifier is not defined in 'OEBPS/ch02.xhtml'
     [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub/OEBPS/ch02.xhtml(26,866): 
'default.namespace': fragment identifier is not defined in 'OEBPS/ch02.xhtml'
     [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub/OEBPS/ch02.xhtml(26,1184): 
'xlink.namespace': fragment identifier is not defined in 'OEBPS/ch02.xhtml'
     [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub/OEBPS/ch02.xhtml(26,1848): 
'chapter.title': fragment identifier is not defined in 'OEBPS/ch02.xhtml'
     [java] ERROR: docbook-howto.epub/OEBPS/ch02.xhtml(26,1957): 
'chapter.paragraph': fragment identifier is not defined in 'OEBPS/ch02.xhtml'

I am also getting consistent validation warnings regarding two of the callout 
images not being added to the package.opf file 

     [java] WARNING: docbook-howto.epub: item (OEBPS/images/callouts/6.png) 
exists in the zip file, but is not declared in the OPF file
     [java] WARNING: docbook-howto.epub: item (OEBPS/images/callouts/5.png) 
exists in the zip file, but is not declared in the OPF file

The file exist and are located in the same directory than the 6 image files 
that do get added to the opf package. When I add them manually there are no 

The callout section in my customization layer looks like this:

<xsl:param name="callout.graphics.extension">.png</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="callout.graphics.path">images/callouts/</xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="callout.graphics" select="1"></xsl:param>
<xsl:param name="callout.list.table" select="1"></xsl:param>

Is there something that I'm doing wrong with the programlistingco? WHy would 
only certain image files get packaged in to the OPF package file? Do I need to 
recreate the images?

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