Hi Paul,

Please see some answers below:

1. If  I create a table within Docbook it creates a header, but if I create a 
table by copying the table the table data from a (openoffice) spreadsheet it 
doesn't make the first column into a table header, how can I convert the first 
field into a table header ?

Basically when copying content in Open Office, the office application sets in the clipboard a lot of flavors. One of them is an HTML flavor. When pasting in Oxygen, the editor takes that HTML content from the clipboard which looks something like this:

                        <TD WIDTH=86 HEIGHT=17 ALIGN=LEFT>a</TD>
                        <TD WIDTH=86 ALIGN=LEFT>b</TD>
                        <TD WIDTH=86 ALIGN=LEFT>c</TD>
                        <TD HEIGHT=17 ALIGN=LEFT>e</TD>
                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>f</TD>
                        <TD ALIGN=LEFT>d</TD>

and after converting it to proper XHTML applies an XSLT stylesheet. The XSLT stylesheet which makes this conversion in the case of Docbook 5 is this one:


So you could try to look in it and see if you can change it to generate also a <thead> for each table.

By the way, do you mark in any way in the openoffice spreadsheet the values on the first line? Unfortunately the clipboard contents do not seem to mark the first line as an XHTML <thead> so this is why the default stylesheet does not produce by default a Docbook <thread> containing the first line.

2. Chunking html is creating a seperate file for each main section, section 2, 
section 3 ectera but I want it to create a html page for section 2, section2.1, 
section 2.2 ... how do I do this within Oxygen ?

If you edit the "DocBook HTML - Chunk" transformation scenario, there is a "Parameters" button. It contains a list of XSLT parameters which can be used to customize the Docbook XSLT transformation. You should look at the "chunk.*" parameters, especially at the "chunk.section.depth" parameter.

3. If I Use Docbook5/Insert Table I can specify the size of the table but if i 
use Insert List Item it just creates a list of size 1, there seems then to add 
the second list item I have to do the insert again, sure there must be an 
easier way ?

If the caret is at the end of the current edited list item, just press ENTER. The first proposal should be something like "Split listitem".

4. If I'm in the main editing window and have Section3, section 3.2 and then I 
want to create a new section 4 how do I do that, it always creates section 3.3 
instead. I can do this from the outline view by selecting Section 3 and 
choosing Insert After/Section but isn't there a way to do it from the main edit 

Basically you need to position the caret in the right location in order to insert the proper section. On the Author toolbar there is a drop down button in which you can choose the view the XML document with "Full Tags". This should allow you to place the caret in the parent "Section 2" instead of having it in the "Section 3" before inserting the section. If you do not use "Full Tags" Oxygen also has a position tooltip which can be used to navigate using the arrow keys to the proper location where the section should be inserted.


Radu Coravu
<oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 8/26/2012 11:26 PM, Paul Taylor wrote:
I've been using Oxygen Editor with Docbook 5 with reasonable success but
stuck on a few basic things, here is hoping you can help.

1. If  I create a table within Docbook it creates a header, but if I
create a table by copying the table the table data from a (openoffice)
spreadsheet it doesn't make the first column into a table header, how
can I convert the first field into a table header ?
2. Chunking html is creating a seperate file for each main section,
section 2, section 3 ectera but I want it to create a html page for
section 2, section2.1, section 2.2 ... how do I do this within Oxygen ?
3. If I Use Docbook5/Insert Table I can specify the size of the table
but if i use Insert List Item it just creates a list of size 1, there
seems then to add the second list item I have to do the insert again,
sure there must be an easier way ?
4. If I'm in the main editing window and have Section3, section 3.2 and
then I want to create a new section 4 how do I do that, it always
creates section 3.3 instead. I can do this from the outline view by
selecting Section 3 and choosing Insert After/Section but isn't there a
way to do it from the main edit window.

thanks Paul

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