Yes, I have, but reverted to using the xml output...

The main reason is that it may just happen to output invalid xml altogether. It 
is also a bit to inflexible to my likings, although it certainly seems to be an 

Currently battling the fact that doxygen have a tendency to output multiple 
identical node ids....

:: Morten Engelhardt Olsen
From: []
Sent: Friday, May 24, 2013 18:52
Subject: [docbook-apps] Doxygen 1.8.4 now supports Docbook

I noticed that the latest release of Doxygen (1.8.4) now supports Docbook as an 

I have tried the output on one of my projects and the output looks OK, not 
perfect, but its a good start! It makes compliable Docbook that you don't need 
to touch.

It puts everything in a single chapter, which makes sense.

Has anyone else tried it yet?

Dean Nelson

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