On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 3:18 AM, Michael Crawford <li...@warplife.com> wrote:
> Greetings, Earthlings,
> I have some articles and essays that are all marked up with valid XHTML 1.0
> Strict with CSS, that I would like to publish as bound, dead-tree books,
> possibly also eBooks.

Here is what I have been doing:
1. If you have a clear control over the input (X)HTML. Then you may go
with the so-called html2docbook.xsl script (official page disapear
from docbook site, but you can find copies other places). This way you
have a very fine control over the generated docbook.

2. If you HTML input is more complex. I generally use tidy as cleanup
step, then pass output to herold: http://www.dbdoclet.org/

Solution 2, directly generates docbook 5. While 1 generates 4.x style
(you would need an extra docbook 4.x -> 5.0 step, from the official


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