Hello All:

I am trying to implement a sigplan template for DocBook. The Article language 
does well to encode most of the important elements, but I’m having trouble 
getting the style right. I found the attribute set for 
component.titlepage.properties that lets me set the information in the title 
page to span the two columns that the sigplan format requires, and most of the 
other elements I have figured out, but I’m not sure how to do the following:

Put the abstract as a part of the first column above the first section, 
followed by the category and keywords.

Layout the authors as side by side with name, affiliation, and email listed 
vertically for each author.

Put the abstract header as left aligned rather than centered.

Put a copyright/legal notice and other such meta information in the bottom of 
the first column, right below the text of the section, but inline with it, so 
that it takes up that bottom part of the first column where normal text would 
go; regular text starts on the second column of the title page when it reaches 
the copyright information.

Can anyone help me figure this out?

Aaron W. Hsu | arcf...@sacrideo.us | http://www.sacrideo.us
http://retroshare.sourceforge.net -- Secure, Decentralized Communications

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