Good morning,

I'm using Docbook 5.1CR2 with the following mediaobject/videoobject tag

          <videodata fileref="video/do-lectures.mp4" controls="controls">
            <multimediaparam name="type" value="video/mp4"/>
        <imageobject role="poster">
          <imagedata fileref="video/do-lectures.png"/>
          <para>Craig Mod presenting at the Do Lecture in 2010</para>

Jing is flagging controls="controls" as not being a valid attribute to
video object:
attribute "controls" not allowed here; expected attribute "align",
"annotations", "arch", "audience", "condition", "conformance",
"contentdepth", "contentwidth", "depth", "dir", "format", "os", "remap",
"revision", "revisionflag", "role", "scale", "scalefit", "security",
"userlevel", "valign", "vendor", "version", "width", "wordsize",
"xml:base", "xml:id", "xml:lang" or "xreflabel"
It is also flagging multimediaparam as being an invalid attribute for

 element "multimediaparam" not allowed anywhere; expected the element
end-tag or element "info"
Did the format for videoobject inside media object change from what's
posted in TDG for 5.1? If not where is the error? Controls should be a
valid attribute as not all videos will want to autoplay? Is this a better
question for the docbook list?


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