Again, I apologize if this is not the right list.

I've upgraded to working with Docbook 5.1CR2 and am getting the following

With the fragment below:

<chapter xml:id="looking.forward" xmlns="";
        <title>Looking forward: What's next?</title>

        <title>Pushing the boundaries of EPub</title>

        <para>Content of the chapter goes here</para>

I get the following validation error:
  * element "para" not allowed yet; expected element "bibliography",
"glossary", "index", "info", "subtitle", "titleabbrev" or "toc" *

I tried inserting an empty index element (assuming that it would not appear
in the flow of text if it had not content) but it appears under ever sect1

The example for chapter in The Definitive Guide is still marked up for 5.0
so I don't know if that's the correct way to do it either.



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