On 5.3.2015 8:19, Shikareva, Ekaterina wrote:
> I generate Eclipse HTML Help from my DocBook files with xsltproc, and every 
> generation leads to attribute (ID) changes in anchor tags. Because of this we 
> get a lot of warnings during code reviews.
> Our current solution is to mark such changes as unimportant in Beyond 
> compare, but is there a way to minimize anchor ID changes during HTML files 
> generation?

Apart from what Bob suggested you can put xml:id attribute on all
structural elements that produce anchors -- like chapters, sections, ...


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail: ji...@kosek.cz      http://xmlguru.cz
     Professional XML and Web consulting and training services
DocBook/DITA customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 rep.
    Bringing you XML Prague conference    http://xmlprague.cz

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