Hi Dick,
This is a bug. The problem is how the template named "inline.monoseq" handles its $content param. When the call does not include a $content param, then it calls the generate.xlink template to handle linking. When the inline.monoseq call does include $content (as in your second case), then generate.xlink is not called, so no link.

The inline.monoseq template needs to be refactored to accept a $content param and *then* call generate.xlink to handle the linking. The same applies to the other inline.seq templates. If you could file a bug report, then this issue will get tracked and fixed.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 5/19/2015 12:23 PM, Richard Hamilton wrote:
I'm running into something curious with the stylesheets.

Consider these two snippets:

<tag class="attribute" linkend="gloss.href">href</tag>

<tag class="starttag" linkend="gloss.html">html</tag>

If I generate PDF that contains these two cases, the first tag will link 
correctly (it is hot and points to the right place), but the second doesn't 
(there is no link at all). I'm using a recent snapshot, tested with no 
customizations, and confirmed that both ids exist.

Looking at the XSL, here are the two cases in the stylesheets (inline.xsl):

     <xsl:when test="$class='attribute'">
       <xsl:call-template name="inline.monoseq"/>


     <xsl:when test="$class='starttag'">
       <xsl:call-template name="inline.monoseq">
         <xsl:with-param name="content">
I tried a couple of other classes (pi and element), and it appears that when 
the case just calls inline.monoseq, everything is fine, but when the case calls 
apply-templates inside inline.monoseq, things go wrong. But it's not clear to 
me why that should be a problem.

Does anyone have any idea what the problem is?

XML Press
XML for Technical Communicators

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