I'm still relatively new here and still trying to fumble my way through this 
conversion from Word to DocBook.  It is definitely hard to teach an old dog new 

I am using XMLmind DocBook Editor Professional Edition 7.0.0 to generate users 
guides that have been in word for many years.  At this point, I'm basicially 
copying word and  pasting as word into the editor.  That is about all I know 
how to do.  Sure there is lots more to learn, but not understanding the 
programming language, I feel I'm at a real disadvantage here.

I would like to be able to change the font size to have the following 
information fit as written below.  Certainly would appreciate some help in 
this, I've gone through as much documentation as possible to find how to change 
font size, with no luck that I've seen.

NCP                   NPSS_2.4    model:         fanjet     run by:     John 
Doe    solutionMode= STEADY_STATE    converge=    1    case:    1
time:  0.000    timeStep:0.0500     therm_package:GasTbl      Mode:    DESIGN   
      iter/pas/Jac/Broy=  7/  9/ 1/ 5     run: 08/08/11 14:26:11

                        Summary Output Data
    MN       alt    dTs        W        Fg        Fn     SFC       Wfuel      
WAR      OPR
 0.800   35000.0     0.00    100.0    4270.0    1850.0   0.6811    1260.00   
0.0000   29.850

              eRam      Afs     Fram                                            
      Wc|Wp      PR       TR  effPoly      eff    Nc|Np       pwr
InEng       0.9950   780.44   2420.1                                    CmpFSec 
     216.11   1.500   1.1433   0.8668   0.8589   3778.2   -1797.9

Thank you,

Emily Forsyth
Fluids & Machinery Engineering Department
Propulsion & Energy Machinery
Southwest Research Institute
Tel:  210.522.2045
Email:  emily.fors...@swri.org<mailto:emily.fors...@swri.org>

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