
we have implemented in the Calenco CMS a method based on the IF FOP
intermediary XML Format, which is an XML description of each resulting
page. It is based on the following simple algorithm:

1. Generate the original document IF XML
2. Generate the IF XML based on new sources
3. Compare with an XSLT the 2 IF documents to extract whatever
information we need

We have been using this successfully in production to generate PDF with
only the modified pages between 2 different versions of a document.


Camille Bégnis
789, rue de la gare
F-13770 Venelles
Le 01/11/2016 à 15:42, Bergfrid Skaara a écrit :
> I´d like to know the overall difference between versions X and Y of a
> single PDF - automatically so we don't need to inspect and compare
> page by page manually (simplifying release process).
> I need to know all PDFs (and what content within them) that have
> changed as a result of commits X,Y, Z (simplifying review and release
> process).
> I´d like notifications if a commit targeted only at feature A ends up
> changing PDFs unrelated to feature A. This would typically indicate
> profiling errors or misplaced includes that need to be fixed.
> Inserting build numbers or some similar ID from the CI environment
> into the PDF metadata would also help.
> The challenge with comparing PDFs is all the noice you get from layout
> changes (white space) and info in headers and footers such as dates
> and version numbers.
> And if you go the convert-PDFto-text-before compare route, would it
> not be better to compare the intermediate FO files rather than waste
> time going through the entire publishing pipeline first?
> We are not looking to replace our current CI environment. Extending
> the current build-logic is not a problem, but I´m not sure what the
> new logic should look like.
> Bergfrid Skaara Dias
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 6:48 PM, Stefan Seefeld <ste...@seefeld.name
> <mailto:ste...@seefeld.name>> wrote:
>     On 26.10.2016 11:04, Bergfrid Skaara wrote:
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     > We use Git to version control our modular DocBook XML code base. I´d
>     > like to enforce stricter change management than what simply
>     inspecting
>     > the Git log manually offers. Specifically, I want to trace each
>     > modular DocBook XML fie that has been changed up to the PDFs
>     that will
>     > be changed as a result.
>     >
>     > Tracing the ancestor files through a sequence of xi:includes is
>     > trivial. My challenges are:
>     >
>     > 1. Profiling. I need to trace ancestor elements taking profiling
>     into
>     > consideration.
>     > 2. Entities. We use entities extensively for both aliases and reused
>     > text. Is there a way to track effects of changed entities without
>     > starting with a brute force search of all DocBook XML files
>     using that
>     > entity?
>     >
>     > Are there any tools, standalone or add-ons to oXygen, that support
>     > this or similar behavior, or am I better off writing my own
>     script? In
>     > case of script, which option is better: XSLT or any scripting
>     language
>     > facilitating text parsing?
>     I'm not quite sure what you mean by "change management", and what
>     it is
>     that you want to enforce, and neither what exactly you want to trace.
>     Generating a PDF from XML sources typically requires some build logic,
>     so I think the best you can do is use that very build logic and then
>     compare (or validate) the generated PDF (or any intermediate formats,
>     such as FO). That can easily be done in a CI environment (such as
>     Travis-CI), so you can fully automate that such that the same
>     process is
>     executed for each push.
>             Stefan
>     --
>           ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...
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