
Thanks to all who privately gave me feedback so far.
One public remark:
Usually an Oxygen add-on has a minimum version requirement.
In my previous email I said it is Oxygen 17.1 but that's incorrect, it seems we used some newer API with it and it only works with Oxygen 19.0. We'll update the add-on to reject installation on Oxygen versions older than 19.0. If now you are having trouble starting older versions of Oxygen after the add-on installation, go to the folder "%APPDATA%\com.oxygenxml\extensions" and delete its entire contents while Oxygen is closed. This will completely remove the add-on.


Radu Coravu
<oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 9/4/2017 11:48 AM, Radu Coravu wrote:
Hi everybody,

For those of you who use Oxygen XML Editor to edit Docbook 4 and 5
documents, we created a new free plugin which can be installed in Oxygen
XML Editor (version 17.1 or newer) in order to make additional
validation checks for one or more Docbook documents:


The plugin contributes an extra toolbar action which can be used to
check for broken external and internal links or for broken image
And you can also validate a Docbook file using a specific profiling
condition set, finding any broken links which may arise because of the
filtered out sections.
The validation process automatically expands xi:included sections or
referenced entities so you can apply the validation on the main
published Docbook document and get an overview of all problems encountered.

If you have any improvement requests for the plugin or find any problems
using it you can add an issue on the plugin's GitHub project page:



Radu Coravu
<oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

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