Hi all,

thanks for this interesting discussion, what DB would you use or suggest
for XML?


Le 06/04/2018 à 11:43, Norman Walsh a écrit :
> Dave Pawson <dave.paw...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Agree with your logic. Good for thousands (hard to index)
>> Less so for hundreds (I use db indexing)
> Yes, but as I said, it depends on the app you’re trying to build.
> drinks.nwalsh.com: ~200 small documents, easy to build in a DB, harder 
> outside.
> so.nwalsh.com: ~600 documents and growing, easy to build in a DB, *much* 
> harder outside
> photos.nwalsh.com: ~14,000 documents, same story
> tzinfo.nwalsh.com: ~225,000 documents, probably not practical any other way
> (Drinks.nwalsh.com is a simple app, you could do that off the
> filesystem with a little bit of Python and some cleverness.
> So.nwalsh.com would be much harder because it’s using full-text,
> semantic, and geospatial indexes and runs queries in real time that
> rely on those indexes to perform well.)
>> I'd hate to have the data in a corrupt database....
> Or a corrupt filesystem. I don’t think databases are inherently a
> riskier place to put your data. And if having them in a database
> encourages you to have a more reliably backup strategy, they’re
> arguably less risky.
> Backup early. Backup often. And remember: if you copy data to a backup
> drive, then remove the data from your computer, you don’t have a
> backup, you have a vulnerable data set on a single external drive.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm

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