This is likely caused by setting the 'body.font.master' to a value that is not just a number.  This is a stock DocBook XSL parameter, but it is a little odd because it must be an integer value because it is used for calculating relative sizes, as for example in fo/param.xsl:

<xsl:param name="footnote.font.size">
 <xsl:value-of select="$body.font.master * 0.8"/><xsl:text>pt</xsl:text>

If body.font.master is set to '10pt' instead of '10', the stylesheet treats it as Not a Number (NaN) and generates that error.

Bob Stayton
Sagehill Enterprises

On 3/10/2019 10:34 AM, Bernhard Kleine wrote:

Since today I encounter an error while transforming my book with the standard saxon which is provided by oxygen 21. This error I can not locate:

(excerpt of the fo-file)

        <fo:inline font-family="Alegreya, Times New Roman,Alegreya, Symbol,ZapfDingbats" font-size="75%" font-weight="normal" font-style="normal" baseline-shift="super">a</fo:inline>
    <fo:footnote-body font-family="Alegreya, Times New Roman,Alegreya, Symbol,ZapfDingbats" font-size="NaN" font-weight="normal" font-style="normal" text-align="justify" start-indent="0pt" end-indent="0pt" text-indent="0pt" hyphenate="true" wrap-option="wrap" linefeed-treatment="treat-as-space">
        <fo:inline font-family="Alegreya, Times New Roman,Alegreya, Symbol,ZapfDingbats" font-size="75%" font-weight="normal" font-style="normal" baseline-shift="super">a</fo:inline> „W. Sauter und P. Hättenschwiler (2004)  <fo:inline font-style="italic">Zum System der palaearktischen Psychidae. 3. Teil: Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Säcke</fo:inline>“ W. Sauter und P. Hättenschwiler (<fo:inline font-weight="bold">Nota lepidoptera</fo:inline> 27: 59-69) ; im Internet unter</fo:block>

The error was:
ERROR - Invalid property value encountered in font-size="NaN": file:/F:/EigeneDateien/Schmetterlingsbuechlein/xml/FalterInLenzkirch.xml_xslt:55:13926: No conversion defined NaN; property:'font-size' (Siehe Position 55:14415) file:/F:/EigeneDateien/Schmetterlingsbuechlein/xml/FalterInLenzkirch.xml_xslt:55:13926: No conversion defined NaN; property:'font-size'

I have looked into the Oxygen customization layer, I have even changed the font-size manually:

In the private xsl file there is not any appearance of "NaN" therefore I am stymied.

I would appreciate any immediate help.


D-79853 lenzkirch,
Ich darf auch auf mein neues Buch "Falter in Lenzkirch" aufmerksam machen
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