I found "thumb index" only after I had send the mail. Sorry for the

This looks very promising. I was thinking not about the index of two
chapters at the same position, but on different position from Chap1 down
to Chap10 and then restarting on the top to 21 and so an.

Any solution to this. As I am using xml, but not programming it, I would
like ready made solutions.

Credits for this would be published in the boook.

Regards Bernhard

Am 20.07.2020 um 12:21 schrieb Jirka Kosek:
> On 19.7.2020 19:13, Bernhard Kleine wrote:
>> I have used a thumb register in a book produced with LaTeX. That was
>> fairly straight forward. I wonder whether this is also possible with
>> docbook -> PDF. Is there a solution already?
> I suppose your are using FO based output of DocBook XSLT 1.0
> stylesheets. It depends on what you want to display in thumb index, but
> if you will put the following code into existing footer.table named
> template you will get chapter number and title in the thumb index (see
> https://books.google.cz/books?id=x93yCgAAQBAJ&lpg=PA1&dq=big%20data%20a%20nosql%20datab%C3%A1ze&pg=PA21#v=onepage&q=big%20data%20a%20nosql%20datab%C3%A1ze&f=false
> for preview):
>   <xsl:if test="($sequence = 'odd' or $sequence = 'first') and
> $pageclass != 'lot' and not(self::d:book) and not(self::d:part)">
>     <fo:block-container absolute-position="fixed"
> reference-orientation="90" width="28mm" height="16mm"
>                         left="150mm" background-color="#A0A0A0"
> font-size="8pt" font-weight="bold"
>                         font-family="{$title.font.family}"
> text-align="center" color="black" padding="2mm" hyphenate="false">
>       <xsl:attribute name="top">
>         <xsl:value-of select="(count(preceding::d:chapter |
> preceding::d:appendix | preceding::d:preface |
> preceding::d:bibliography) mod 7) * 28 + 18"/>
>         <xsl:text>mm</xsl:text>
>       </xsl:attribute>
>       <fo:block>
>         <xsl:variable name="label">
>           <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="label.markup"/>
>         </xsl:variable>
>         <xsl:if test="$label != ''">
>           <xsl:copy-of select="$label"/>
>           <xsl:text>. </xsl:text>
>         </xsl:if>
>         <xsl:apply-templates select="." mode="titleabbrev.markup">
>           <xsl:with-param name="allow-anchors" select="0"/>
>         </xsl:apply-templates>
>       </fo:block>
>     </fo:block-container>
>   </xsl:if>
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