Good morning (well, in this locale anyway),

I set out to implement DocBook Transclusion in the DocBook xslTNG
Stylesheets the other day and discovered that a previous attempt to
implement it was already in place.

It appears to have been an attempt to implement the previous draft of
DocBook Transclusion, not the most recent[1], and I don’t believe it

If you’re using DocBook Transclusion with the DocBook xslTNG Stylesheets
and you think it’s doing something useful, please let me know.

I plan to revamp it completely in the next release. I’d be worried about
doing a backwards incompatible change except, as I said, I don’t think
the current implementation does anything remotely useful.

                                        Be seeing you,


Norman Tovey-Walsh <>

> Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of men of old; seek what they
> sought.--Matsuo Basho

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