Hi all,

the issue of keeping UI strings and documentation in sync sounds familiar and 
I'd like to let you know how we've been doing it for last 12 years or so - not 
perfect but robust enough to publish several dozen documents with up to 1300 
pages in two (was four) languages as PDF and webhelp.

The software we are writing documentation for is using dozens of XML files for 
its configuration and user interface. Each UI string comes with an ID that is 
more or less unique, and we can therefore reuse it in our documentation. 
However, almost every configuration file has a slightly different content model 
to the one before and therefore we have to pre-process everything before we can 
actually use it.

In this pre-processing step, a script pulls together all the UI strings from 
all the different configurations into a "normalized" xml file. This step also 
pulls in the translated versions of strings. You end up with a rather big xml 
file ("alltext.xml"), in which you have the ID, the original string and 
translations in one place. If a translation is missing, we add a placeholder 

On the Docbook side, we are using guilabel/guimenu/guimenuitem to tag UI text. 
By our convention, each of these elements must have a @remap attribute with its 
value set to one of the IDs you can find in the software configuration files 
(or rather in that big xml file from the previous step). Referencing the ID is 
the important bit for the automation. For readability, the Technical Writer 
would also use the UI string as content for guilabel/guimenu/guimenuitem. 
However, this isn't strictly necessary as the element's content will be 
replaced at a later stage.

Our publishing process is automated via ant/jenkins. Once all xincludes have 
been resolved, we use some XSLT on the resulting temporary file and replace the 
UI strings with the most recent versions from "alltext.xml". And that's more or 
less it - an ID-based lookup and string replacement.

To assist our Technical Writers, we also provide modified versions of the 
software configuration. This configs can be used to run the software in a way 
that will display the internal ID alongside the UI text. By doing this, the 
Technical Writer is provided with sufficient context to find the right ID to be 
used for @remap. It also helps to avoid confusion where the configuration files 
have several copies of the same UI string but with different ID values.

Since the UI strings are translated separately and keep their original ID, the 
remapping also works when we are publishing in other languages (our primary 
language is German, and we translate into English. This process has been used 
in the past to translate into French, Italian and Russian as well).

A word on the authoring process: We are using oXygen XML and have put together 
some schematron rules that will flag up when a remap attribute is missing or 
when the content of a guilabel is different from the current value in the 
lookup file. This was done as a proof-of-concept and isn't required for 
authoring, but we encourage using it. We are also experimenting with schematron 
quickfixes to replace UI strings where necessary - this also is experimental 
and not a feature we are using all the time, but it comes in handy every now 
and then.

We do most of our translation inhouse (we used OmegaT in the past, but not 
anymore, sorry!). The documentation and the UI strings are translated 
separately (by the same Translator) into two separate translation memories. 
When translating the documentation, all guilabel/guimenu/guimenuitem are set to 
be non-translatable. However, our Translator sees the element content and thus 
has all the context information they need. Once they export their files to the 
target language, the UI strings will still be in German. The German text is 
then replaced via a combination of @lang and @remap when publishing to their 
respective output format.

For those cases where UI text does need to be translated/localized, a Technical 
Writer can set a @translate attribute to "yes" on guilabel elements and 
override the replacement. The TMS will unlock those elemetns and the Translator 
can modify the content of those elements.

I am aware that this process might be problematic with certain languages and/or 
if the source material is not well maintained and probably
for many other reasons, too. We had trouble in the past with UI text that was 
split into several individual strings or when placeholders are
being used. With regards to mnemonics and shortcuts - those are indeed 
annoying. Our specific problem is that the software configuration wasn't 
designed to be translation friendly, and we basically have to strip away things 
before going into translation. I do believe that this problem could be solved 
if we put in some effort in redesigning the configuration files. Screenshots 
also matter and need manual updates when the UI text changes.

Bottom line is: We manage to keep our documentation and user interface 
synchronized in terms of UI strings. It took a while to get to this level and 
we still haven't solved every issue but for the most part, it works. On top of 
that, the Technical Writers and our Dev team are constantly sharing 
information. Developers also need to consult the Technical Writers and 
Translator before adding or changing any UI text - that way we have more 
control over terminology and consistency.

I hope that helps and you get some ideas out of this.


Patrick Riffel
Team Leader Information Development
+49 711 806098-0
Hauptstätter Straße 70
70178 Stuttgart
Learn more about Quadient<https://www.quadient.com/connections>

Quadient DOPiX Germany GmbH ist ein beim Amtsgericht Stuttgart eingetragenes 
Registernummer: HRB 17655
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Hauptstätter Straße 70, 70178 Stuttgart
Geschäftsführer: Andreas Schwegler, Duncan Spanner, Laurent du Passage

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