
thanks for releasing 2.0.2 of the DocBook xslTNG stylesheets! \o/

I was curious and wanted to play with it on a real-world example. :)

The example that I've chosen is our administration guides written in DocBook 5.
It has already been successfully published with the DocBook XSLT 1.0
stylesheets. The source code contains 50.000 lines of fine DocBook XML. So it's
quite massive. ;)

For convenience reasons, I've added all in one directory. So I've downloaded
the ZIP archive from GitHub, unpacked it, and created the admin book as a
single DocBook XML file. As the images are referenced without any paths, I've
linked all the PNG and SVG files to this (temporary) directory.

This is how the directory looks like:

  +-- {bin,docker,libs,resources,samples,xslt}/  # all dirs from the project
  +-- tmp/
  |   +-- book-administration.xml  # my guide
  |   +-- *.png
  |   +-- *.svg
  +-- out/   # output should go here

I run it like this:

  $ cd docbook-xslTNG-2.0.2/
  $ python3 bin/docbook -xsl:xslt/docbook.xsl \
     -s:tmp/book-administration.xml \

This gave me some errors which I'm not able to interpret. For easier reading,
I've uploaded the messages and the XML source code here:


As a summary, I have these issues:

* Some templates seems not be available and I get this messages:

  No titlepage template for: quote
  No localization for keycap/keycap in en, using "MISSING"
  No localization for keycap/keycap in en, using "MISSING"

* I get errors from the TNG stylesheets itself. For example:
    XPTY0004  An empty sequence is not allowed as the first argument of
    invoked by xsl:iterate at docbook-xslTNG-2.0.2/xslt/modules/objects.xsl#62

  There are similar issues.

It seems, some of the issues are coming from the stylesheets, right? Or is it a
problem in my source code? It's hard to believe as I've validated it against
DocBook 5.2 and it's valid. :)

Maybe I did something wrong. How I can solve the issues above? Would it help to
open some GH issues?

Many thanks and keep up the great work!

  Thomas Schraitle

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