Hi folks,

A few weeks ago, Bob sent out a request for statements of use. I’ve
quoted it below. These statements are an important part of the OASIS
process. If you can provide a statement of use, please do!

Bob Stayton <b...@sagehill.net> writes:
> Hello,
> I'm the Chair of the OASIS DocBook Technical Committee.  The Committee is in 
> the last stages of
> getting The DocBook Schema Version 5.2 through the OASIS approval process.  
> We need to submit
> three Statements of Use of the new schema, and I would like to ask if any 
> participants in the
> DocBook user community might like to submit one.  You need not be a member of 
> OASIS to submit
> one.  Here are the requirements for making such a Statement: 
> * It is a written statement that a party has successfully used or implemented 
> that specification in
>  accordance with all or some of its conformance clauses, identifying those 
> clauses that apply,
>  and stating whether its use included the interoperation of multiple 
> independent implementations.
>   The conformance clauses for DocBook 5.3 are:
> * This specification normatively defines DocBook V5.2 with a RELAX NG grammar 
> and a set of
>  Schematron assertions. A conformant DocBook V5.2 document must be valid 
> according to both the
>  grammar and the assertions.
> * The reference documentation describes additional constraints and processing 
> expectations. A
>  conformant DocBook V5.2 document should respect those constraints and 
> anticipate those
>  processing expectations.
> * See http://www.relaxng.org/for a list of tools that can validate an XML 
> document using RELAX
>  NG. Note that not all products are capable of evaluating the Schematron 
> assertions in the
>  schema.
> * The Statement of Use must be made to a specific version of the 
> Specification and must include
>  the Specification’s approval date.  In this case DocBook Schema Version 5.2 
> Committee
>  Specification 01, dated 19 July 2023, available at
>  https://docs.oasis-open.org/docbook/docbook/v5.2/cs01/docbook-v5.2-cs01.html
> * The Statement from a nonmember should be submitted to the comment facility:
>  http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/comments/form.php?wg_abbrev=docbook
> The DocBook TC will evaluate and vote to accept any Statements that are 
> submitted.  Let me know
> if you have any questions.
> Any help you can provide on this issue would be much appreciated.  If you are 
> unable to submit a
> statement, perhaps you could refer me to other users whom I could contact.
> Bob Stayton
> Chair, OASIS DocBook Technical Committee
>  b...@sagehill.net 

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com>

> We are thinking beings, and we cannot exclude the intellect from
> participating in any of our functions.--William James

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