/ Phillip Shelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| I suppose I want to know Why this restriction.

With respect to equations:

1. Equation and InformalEquation only contain graphics. That's because
   there's no markup for the equation content in DocBook. It could be
   argued that some equations would be fine in ASCII and we should have
   allowed that. (But you're the first person ever to ask.)

   You might be interested in the MathML Module which allows MML in the
   content of equations and informal equations.

2. Why does {inline}mediaobject not allow textobject as primary content?
   Well, we did that because media objects are intended for graphics.
   If all you wanted was text, you wouldn't need the mediaobject wrapper.
   (In other words, we wanted to prevent the sort of escape hatch you're
   trying to use :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Clearness is so eminently one of
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | the characteristics of truth that
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | often it even passes for truth
                                   | itself.--Joubert

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