Is there any particular reason why the format attribute of imagedata and 
releated elements is not declared to have type NOTATION?

Before parameter entities and conditional sections are resolved its 
declaration looks like this:

<!ENTITY % graphics.attrib
    entityref    ENTITY        #IMPLIED
    fileref     CDATA        #IMPLIED
    format        (%notation.class;) #IMPLIED
    srccredit    CDATA        #IMPLIED
    width        CDATA        #IMPLIED
    depth        CDATA        #IMPLIED
    align        (left
            |center)    #IMPLIED
    scale        CDATA        #IMPLIED
    scalefit    %yesorno.attvals;

After the entities are resolved it looks lke this:

<!ATTLIST imagedata format

As near as I can tell those all are in fact notation names. And this 
does seem like exactlly what notations are meant for, so is there any 
reason format isn't decalred to have type NOTATION? Should this be fixed 
in a future version of the Docbook DTD?

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|               Java I/O (O'Reilly & Associates, 1999)               |
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