Yann Dirson wrote:

> > type - it is used in several markup languages to hold MIME type of data.
> > However MIME approach is not currently  used in DocBook, so this change
> > would be quite inconsistent with a rest of DocBook.
> MIME denomination is "content-type", not "type".  But IMHO MIME

Look at HTML spec. or to specification for attaching stylesheet to XML
document. All of these languages are using type attribute for holding
MIME type. E.g.:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.status = "Hi!";

<?xml-stylesheet href="x.css" type="text/css"?>

> content-type are not generic enough.  We should be able to have
> control to a level like image/bitmap/png/rle-compressed, which the
> 2-level of MIME can't express.  At least it would be useful to a
> stylesheet to have the "image/bitmap/png" part.

Tell me for what this information may be useful. I talked about some
attribute which can store type of data in included external text file.
Stylesheet can (at least in theory) use this information for syntaxing
highlighting of source. 
> > language - it is used in classsynopsis for same purpose.
> This has the idea of a programming language.  Such a notion may not
> exist - think of a plain-text file, or the textual representation of
> an equation, etc.

plain-text file - no language attribute or language="plain" or
equation - no language attribute or language="tex" or language="maple"
or language="matlab"

In many cases this attribute will be ignored because stylesheet won't be
able to provide some special processing. But if you specify that
included file is for example Java source and there will be appropriate
extension for stylesheet and you turn this extension on, stylesheet can
colorify source code. I'm preparing tons of training material and books
with a lots of code examples. Source code examples are easier to read
when are colorized. Unfortunately I hadn't time to write such extension


  Jirka Kosek                        

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