/ David Penton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| and the display of borders.  But I cannot spot anyplace where one might
| control what goes on inside a table entry.  Specifically, where would one
| express the geometry of the area inside the rectangular boundaries of the
| entry (cell margins, or padding, or whatever these things are properly
| called)?

The CALS Table Model gives relatively little control over these
presentational features.

| We use Arbortext Epic to create our documents.  We did not purchase the
| Arbortext composition software (if that is the correct term - you know, the
| printing stuff).  We eventually will print using the Advent 3b2 product.
| But for now, the authoring group is trying to learn how to deal with table
| creation.  Epic's interactive table editing capability appears to assume
| that a cell entry has margins or padding surrounding the contents of a table
| entry.

Can you give some specific examples of the sort of control you'd like
to have?

| On the weekend I considered plunging into N. Walsh's stylesheets to see if I
| could understand the process of going from CALS to xsl:fo objects to see if
| I could spot how the "cell padding" thing might work, but I JAMMED OUT like
| the craven coward that my Mom knows me to be and decided to post to this
| list instead.


                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Man's sensitivity to little things
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | and insensitivity to the greatest
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | are the signs of a strange
                                   | disorder.--Pascal

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