/ Mark Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| I just moved from Linux to Windows (mainly so I have quick access to Word),
| but all the <programlisting> (and presumably any other tag which uses
| whitespace) blocks saved under Windows are double-spaced (probably due to the
| stupid way Windows ends lines).

My guess is that the conversion from Linux to Windows has introduced literal
double spacing into your documents. At least, I suggest you check that first.
Normal Windows line ending conventions by themselves should not cause any

                                        Be seeing you,

P.S. I find StarOffice and in a pinch VMWare fine alternatives to switching
back :-)

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | In great affairs men show
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | themselves as they wish to be
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | seen, in small things they show
                                   | themselves as they are.--Chamfort

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