/ Elliotte Rusty Harold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| At 6:35 AM -0500 11/16/01, Norman Walsh wrote:
| >But <A> links are *always* inline. This doesn't provide any practical
| >experience with making <P> elements or <DIV> elements or <BODY>
| >elements the starting point of links.
| No, they're not, which is precisely my point. <A> links can and do
| surround block level elements, and browsers have no trouble dealing
| with this. It may not be legal according to the HTML DTD, but
| practically it does work and it is used. I doubt even one HTML author
| in ten knows that A elements aren't allowed around block level
| elements.

Can you point me to any pages that actually use this, uh, "feature"?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | And gentlemen in England now a-bed
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | / Shall think themselves accursed
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | they were not here, / And hold
                                   | their manhoods cheap whiles any
                                   | speaks / That fought with us upon
                                   | Saint Crispin's day.--William
                                   | Shakespeare, Henry V

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